Posts filed under: Theological Reflection

Theological Reflection

As and when this comes up, will categorise it as such!

Everyone is looking for you

This is what the disciples say to Jesus in Mark chapter 1 verse 37. ‘Everyone is looking for you!‘ Jesus has got up early, after...

Salaried Workers – Context and Update on Survey!

I wanted to put down a bit of context for the survey that is currently out for salaried children’s, youth and families workers (if you...

Chanak – A Tool for Discipleship

How do we guide children and young people? Guidance is a big deal because there are differing understandings of what this looks like. For some...

Visit the Home : for Effective Kids Ministry

Do you visit the home as part of your ministry with children and families? No? Then you really should - hear are my tips for...

Covenant and Young People

The National Youth Agency has produced a “Youth Covenant” – a promise to this generation of young people. You can read it here :: NYA...