The Bible Project – The Gospel according to Mark

This is a five minute overview of Mark’s gospel, beautifully animated and clear.  I’ve included it because the whole thrust of Mark’s gospel is to highlight that Jesus is the Messiah, the chosen one, the Saviour of the world.  If you are using anything from Mark’s gospel over the Easter weekend – this would be a great little video to show.

Dan Stevers – True and Better

Taking the thought that Jesus is a “True and Better” Adam – a rif on Romans 5 – this superb video shows us that the Bible is ALL about Jesus.  Each “stand out” character – whether Joseph, Moses, David, Abel or Esther . . . points to the one who fulfils all the promises in scripture.  A perfect short video for the Easter season.

Are You Smarter than a Fly? – The Resurrection

Very quirky animations, taking a “fly’s eye” view of Jesus.  In this one, the flies are expecting a meal . . . but discover that Jesus’ body is gone!  For more of these, check out

Igniter Media – Doubting Easter

A more meditative reflection on Thomas’ experience of the resurrection and the challenge of believing what we have not seen.

Hyper Pixels Media – Good Friday

A simple, direct animation for Good Friday from Hyper Pixels media.  This is their youtube channel link – which gives you a preview – if you like their stuff, check out their website to purchase :: HyperPixels

There are others, but I particularly like this selection as there is something for every congregation / kind of setting you might be in.  As we approach Easter, consider how to make whatever you do visual (whether you use any of these clips or not).  We only remember a small amount of what we hear (much more of what we see).

Happy Easter 🙂