Posts filed under: Bible


Bible commentary and bible notes / exegisis stuff

You are the Salt of the Earth – Don’t be a Moron.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says, You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it...

Are we what we do?

There is a powerful new advert out from NatWest. I think it has something to do with promoting their social responsibility credentials (I won’t be...

Blown away by the Bible – Why you have to study it

Erasmus was a dutch theologian.  He was a priest, social critic and teacher. In 1516 he translated the New Testament in to Greek.  I know...

You are NOT alone

Here I am riffing on a “Thought for the Day” message from 2012, thinking about what Christ’s Ascension tells us about God’s love and His...

C.P.R. Does YOUR youth ministry need it?

As we approach the end of the year we can sometimes find ourselves in one of three places mentally, spiritually, emotionally . . . they...