

The Resource offers a consultancy service to churches, para-church organisations, dioceses, regional networks and national institutions.

Ali has worked with (among others) Bible Society, Christian Publishing and Outreach, Network Youth Church, YMCA Tayside, Impact Schools, Church of England Eduction Office, Spring Harvest, Lifewords, Paraklesis, The Grand, Wonderborn and local churches across the UK.

What is Consultancy? I offer a fresh look at your ministry with children, young people or families. This can involve any of the following, depending on your requirements :



  • Starting from scratch. How do you begin? I can help you explore what is going on in your local community, suggest ways in which you can make a start that lays the foundations needed for ministry to grow and thrive. [Read this to get you started – Seven Thoughts on Starting From Scratch]
  • Developing a holistic approach. Sometimes ministry activity can be a bit dis-jointed. Youth ministry happens over here, the adults do stuff over there and in a port-a-cabin out the back are the children. We now have quite a bit of evidence that suggests intergenerational ministry is helpful for the spiritual health and growth of children, young people and adults. I’ll help you explore how you incorporate “everyone together” ministry, whilst still having space for age specific groups.
  • Readiness for employment. You feel it is time to employ someone to take the lead in children’s, youth or family ministry – but which? What should be the focus? How do you put together a job description and person specification? What is the right salary package? Where will you advertise? How will line manage and supervise your new employee? If you are daunted by any (or all!) of those questions, I can help you work out where to start and guide you as you shape an attractive role.
  • General Review. Sometimes things can feel a bit stuck – ticking along, but not all it could be. I can review all that you are currently doing and make recommendations for future development and growth.