Posts tagged with: Discipleship


Teaching or Telling? Using our Influence

Teaching or Telling? Using our Influence. We are all doing this, we all have influence . . . ...

Do we teach or tell in youth ministry?

Influencing. We are all doing this.  Influencing others with what we think, believe, value, understand through the way we speak and act in our lives....

Let the children come – 3 things to learn from Jesus

there are three staggering things we need to pay attention to in Matthew, Mark and Luke's account of Jesus "blessing the children" . . ....

3 Youth and Children’s Ministry Research Reports – What do they tell us?

A few years ago now, three research reports were released in quick succession, taken together, they get to the heart of some of the challenges...

Tozer, Our souls and the bankruptcy of Now

“A generation of Christians reared among push buttons and automatic machines is impatient of slower and less direct methods of reaching their goals. We have...