Posts tagged with: Jesus


I see you

“I see you”, this line in the film Avatar refers to more than just “I’m looking in your direction” or, “yeah, yeah I know you...

The Greatest Journey

The Bible Society have produced another fantastic little video for Christmas. It's called "The Greatest Journey", following Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem . ....

We need to stop to start // Lent Assembly

My usual thing with assemblies is to talk about myself . . . by that I mean relate the topic / theme / point to...

From Creed to Freed – Responding to the first Reith Lecture

I listened with great interest to the first Reith lecture of this year being delivered by Kwame Anthony Appiah (there are to be another three)...

You are the Salt of the Earth – Don’t be a Moron.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says, You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it...