Sometimes we get to see some awesome stuff happen – we have a small hand in it, God uses us and it is amazing. We don’t do what we do for credit from people (well, at least that shouldn’t be our motivation).
Being a youth worker or children’s worker can be a bit like being a ball boy. Yep, seriously. Can we see what is happening? Are we reading the signs? Are we ready to respond? It is sometimes as simple as paying attention.
I love this clip of football coach Mourinho talking about the ball boy who had a keen eye for the game – responding so quickly putting the ball back in play that it directly led to a goal.
Mourinho didn’t leave it there, he was up and across to the ball boy to thank him personally. They may have never met, I mean – this guy was the BOSS.
I sometimes feel like that with Jesus – am I any help? Am I actually causing more trouble by trying to join in with what God is doing?! Ever wonder that?
We might not get noticed, we might faithfully do stuff that makes a difference in the lives of others and it is never seen – at least by people. There isn’t a crowd of 80,000 watching us, we are on the sidelines – but we do what we do for an audience of one.
Jesus sees what we do for Him, Jesus doesn’t miss it – the way we champion others, the way we lift others up, the way we see what He is doing and gently encourage others to notice it to – trying not to draw attention to ourselves.
We are ball boys, ball girls, ball people for Jesus.
Get out there today and play the game.
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