Posts filed under: Childrens Ministry

Childrens Ministry

All topics related to childrens ministry will be put in this category

Visit the Home : for Effective Kids Ministry

Do you visit the home as part of your ministry with children and families? No? Then you really should - hear are my tips for...

7 Ways to Keep In Touch After Your Light Party

You never thought this day would come, but after weeks of planning, perspiration and waking up in the middle of the night to scribble something...

Raising Faith

Katharine Hill and Andy Frost have written a cracking book called "Raising Faith" - it's full of wisdom and practical illustrations . . . ...

Leadership – Recruiting and Equipping a Team

"Leader" is a word which seems to have replaced priest, pastor, minister in the church - we are all church leaders now . . ...

Navigating Social Media with Children – Tips and Tools

It is more important than ever to help children navigate social media - this post offers resources and some top tips to help you do...