Posts filed under: Parenting

Kids & Youth Ministry in the CofE – Pt 2

Key thoughts on what should be priorities for children's and youth ministry . . . ...

Chanak – A Tool for Discipleship

How do we guide children and young people? Guidance is a big deal because there are differing understandings of what this looks like. For some...

The Importance of Parents in Youth and Children’s Ministry

I am a parent.  It is a joy and a challenge with a constant swirling maelstrom of shifting choices, demands and expectations and my children...

Navigating Social Media with Children – Tips and Tools

It is more important than ever to help children navigate social media - this post offers resources and some top tips to help you do...

The gift of a child

I have two daughters, amazing gifts from God.  Hannah is twelve, Ellie is ten (today)!  They are a constant delight (and occasionally, challenge)!  The gift...