Dear Friends / The Resource Blog Readers!
We wanted to write and share with you some exciting developments for us as a family and for the future of The Resource.
For the past year we have had a sense that God is calling us on to new things and then, late last year, we found out that a major regular contract which enabled us to live in the house we are in would be coming to an end. We have spent a lot of time seeking God and exploring various avenues including considering whether The Resource remained viable or whether Ali should return to a more regular form of employment.
Having pushed several doors we very much feel that The Resource should continue. We have seen God’s provision in countless ways and feel privileged to have been able to minister to numerous churches, organisation and serve others in varied situations and believe very strongly that this is what Ali has been called to.
However, in order to be able to continue to minister in this way, the fact remains that we are no longer in a position to live in the South of England. We have been fortunate enough, since The Resource began, to save a small amount towards a deposit -however, not only would that disappear very quickly were we to stay where we are – it is nowhere near enough to enable us to buy even a bedsit here!
In exploring various jobs earlier this year year we discovered a fantastic church that we loved in a little town called Clitheroe in Lancashire. Though the job in the area was most definitely not right, we have not been able to get the church or the place out of our hearts and minds. After much prayer we have made the decision to relocate and move there as a family (and Lisa’s parents, Bernie and Jean are coming too)!
In many ways this is a HUGE step of faith – Lisa has resigned from her job as Assistant SENCo at a secondary school in Hove and as yet does not have a new job to go to; we don’t yet have enough money for a deposit for a house and so are looking to rent initially; we don’t have a regular contract to replace the one we have lost that guaranteed a level of regular income for the resource; and because we don’t yet have a fixed address we are unable to secure new school places for the girls. In fact, as I write this I question our sanity once again!!!!
However, we feel very strongly that God is calling us on an adventure with Him and we trust that He has it all in hand.
We would very much value your prayers that we would see God’s footprints clearly guiding us in this next phase and have the courage to follow.
We’ve included a few more detailed prayer points below, and if you feel God is saying anything as you pray we would love to hear it!
Thanks and God Bless,
Ali, Lisa, Hannah and Ellie
Please pray:
- For our girls – that they would know God’s peace and joy in this move, that they will make new friends quickly and that we would be able to get them in to the right schools for them.
- For our finances – we currently have some savings towards a deposit but reckon we are about £5000 short.
- For our work and ministry – That regular paying contracts will continue and additional ministry support* will come in that enable the wider work of The Resource and that Lisa finds a job.
* You can support The Resource through – the link below takes you to our details on the website where you can make one off donations or support us regularly 🙂
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