Hey there blog readers. It is so encouraging that you hang out here. I hope you find the articles, links to resources and ministry material and general engagement on here helpful in whatever way you are working with children, young people and families.
Every now and then, I try and share something about how this “works”. Content on here, and via Facebook Page etc. is obviously free to use however you want – if that just offers encouragement or sparks an idea then GREAT; if that means you grab something and go and use it then also GREAT!
But, free doesn’t mean it doesn’t cost . . . I need support to keep things going (and develop fresh streams of resourcing, training and encouragement).
SO – how might you get involved?
Here are THREE ways you can partner with The Resource ::
1. Buy me a coffee.
No, I’m serious! You can grab me a coffee which will help me when I’m out meeting people that need support – literally buying me a coffee! It also helps me keep the website going! ::
2. Get your church to partner with The Resource.
For £10 a month (just £200 a year) get an annual face to face Skype for an hour on any ministry related topic + a resource created just for you (could be an assembly / youth session / bible study) and – email me up to 6 times a year for a conversation about strategic direction, resources and ideas for developing your ministry . . . ask your church leader to email me to find out more ::
3. Give via Stewardship.
I’ve a stewardship account, and an amazing group of people give regularly to enable the work I’m doing – I’m in this “mixed mode” of living by faith combined with some income from work I’m paid to do. It is exciting and terrifying at the same time! The absolute thrill of the support I receive through stewardship is how it allows me to budget and plan. Additional income through paid work is sporadic and uncertain, there is always some – but it vary hugely from month to month. So, any additional regular support contributes to peace of mind AND enables The Resource to do MORE.
See this link for my Stewardship Giving info ::
Thanks so much for your support and engaging with my page – please pray for me in all I’m doing – thank you!
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